Working in the interior decorating/home staging business for over a decade, I have seen all kinds of houses: the good, the bad, and the (just plain) ugly. This blog will answer questions about staging and interior design from our clients and online inquiries.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Query

Dear Kristina,
My house is currently on the market. Can we set up Christmas decorations while we are selling our house? Mary, St. Paul

Mary in St. Paul,
This is a question that I receive several times during the holiday season. When selling, it is best to keep your house neutral with all areas including holiday decor. Instead of using specific religious symbols, such as menorahs or manger scenes, set out a few seasonal decorations to set the flavor of the season.

Happy Holidays, Mary! Kristina

KFM Staging & Design, a Minnesota home staging company, has been creating "First Impressions That Sell" in the Twin Cities for over a decade. Visit our website for more home staging tips. To submit your question, contact Kristina at

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KFM Staging & Design
"Creating First Impressions That Sell!"
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